
NewzIntel publishes over 35,000 items of open source intelligence (OSI) each month.

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Intel Analytics

Intel Analytics gives you full access+alerts and also access to NewzIntel's analytics platform (coming soon).

Our Clients

NewzIntel is part of Multimedia Investments Ltd's network of information outlets. It is powered by MIL's open source intelligence - content that is sourced directly from global outlets and decision-makers from around the world.
Multimedia Investments Ltd has provided over 1 million OSI reports to global information and data clients - highly respected platforms that include: Dow Jones, Moody's Analytics, Contify, Lexis Nexis and many more...
NewzIntel now also provides paying clients direct access to MIL's open source intelligence. Premium subscribers can now receive alerts based on sectors, regions, countries, topics... on meta-data that is important to the client.

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We specialize in sourced information from governments, global bodies, corporations, businesses, NGOs on thousands of topics including politics, security, defence, trade, commerce, energy, environment, technology, legal issues.